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Tuesday, February 23, 2016

The Law of Attraction - Mastering the Law of Attraction

  For those venturing into this journey of spiritual development I have listed 11 Keys understandings that you must have if you are ever to master the law of attraction in your experience:

1. The law of attraction is a result of your own development and not the other way around. Focus on expanding your awareness of your own ideas, beliefs and thoughts first, before you focus too much on your ability to consciously create.

2. Remove as much drama from your life as possible: it is impossible to focus enough energy into your own development if you are distracted.

3. The law of attraction represents your ability to consciously choose your experience and so to determine your future: it is the reason that you are here, to understand and explore your creative ability.

4. To master the law of attraction you must master your ability to consciously choose your beliefs and focus them into reality to create events.

5. The physical world that you experience is created to give you the chance to see the power of your own beliefs first hand and to learn how to use them to consciously create your own experience.

6. You are multi-dimensional, this means that your identity, and every other person or object you can name exists in more ways that than the one you are experiencing.

7. You will never consciously know how it works so allow other aspects of your identity to do the work they want to just as you allow your body consciousness to breathe without getting involved.

8. There are many other aspects to the law of attraction than simply 'asking the universe' these other 'laws' actually cause the law of attraction to exist and so must also be understood.

9. Staying in the moment is a key element of mastering the law of attraction and must be cultivated and practiced: it is where your power is.

10. Your reasoning mind cannot work out the process involved in creating the life you want or the nature of your own identity so stop trying to work it out: create faith and trust in the process.

11. Have fun.

These 11 tips are essential for those who want to expand their own awareness to such a degree that they have the awareness, power and ability to consciously choose their experience. This process of personal and spiritual development takes time and effort as well as commitment and integrity but for those who do wish to master the law of attraction the effort and time invested in well worth the effort.

So what is the aim or goal of all this effort? Why take time energy and effort to master the law of attraction at all?
Well, to answer that I would have to reason it out in terms of time and measurements in some fashion and of course this is not possible, just as it is not possible to measure love or hope.

 But the effect is there for all to see, a life of focused wonderment and possibilities where immortality is consciously known and where each moment fulfilling itself through an expansion of personal and unified consciousness.

 It is a life of challenge without compromise but one where the possibilities extend beyond the limited imagination of the mind: it is also great fun at times too.

 The prize can thought of as 'having everything you could want' however that also depends on where you are within reality at any given point, and that is why it is a personal journey that you must take yourself.
To master the ability to create the life you want and understand your true nature is a personal and spiritual journey that is challenging so I would encourage you to get support and training.
David Marshall is the author of three books, a spiritual teacher and Master NLP Practitioner and Master Hypnotherapist and law of attraction expert.

 He is the creator of [http://lawofattractiontutor.com] where anyone can receive professional training in the law of attraction and how they can consciously choose their life experiences.


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