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Sunday, February 28, 2016

Master the Law of Attraction With Help From Steve G Jones

The Law of Attraction is the most powerful law in the Universe, so it is amazing that so many people are unaware of it, and don't know how it is working in their lives.

 However, it is always working, so you might as well learn to understand and master it. That way you start creating a life deliberately, using conscious choice, instead of by "default" - which is what the masses do. 

Following the masses is a surefire way of getting mediocre results and an unremarkable life. If you want a remarkable, exceptional life of deliberate creation, keep reading...
The movie "The Secret" has helped to introduce the concept of the Law of Attraction to the mainstream, which is an incredible first step, but it is by no means a complete education on the topic. It just gives viewers a taste of what is possible and the results of using the Law, but there is much more to the story.
People wonder how the Law of Attraction can be so real, so fundamental, yet most people remain oblivious to it? It does not seem to make any sense. Think of it this way: you are of course familiar with the Newtonian concept of gravity.

 Gravity influences everything we see, touch, build, or interact with, in a never failing but invisible way. But do people go around talking about gravity? No, they take it for granted. Before Newton "discovered it" it went completely unnoticed, it was unremarkable.
In the same way, the Law of Attraction has become so ingrained in our day-to-day lives that we scarcely give it any thought whatsoever! But it exists, and you must work within its rules. You do not go jumping off building expecting to fly, you expect to see the pavement rising up at you very quickly, with painful results.
In contrast, those who think about gravity and its effects turn it around and make gravity their ally and friend. Think about "base-jumpers". They happily throw themselves off skyscrapers and cliffs and enjoy the fall. That is because they consciously use gravity to their advantage, and they are armed with the tools that prevent a painful "splat" at the bottom. 

They understand what is needed to prevent a landing, and they float to the ground, eager to do it all over again, filled with an adrenaline rush and pride! That's living!
Learning about the Law of Attraction is just like that, but you do not have to take the risks that basejumpers do.

 Once you understand the Law of Attraction, you can turn "negative" events around and make them your ally, your friend, and your guide. Keep working with it until you have completely proven the law to yourself and mastered it, then "painful events" will be replaced by the events you want, the things you want, in your life. That's really what it's all about, getting more of what you want in life, and less of what you don't, in a conscious, deliberate way.
To do that, you need to learn about the Law of Attraction from someone who has mastered it, and who has dedicated themselves to teaching it to others. Steven G.

 Jones is an author, hypnotherapist, and has a Masters degree in Education, plus a PhD in the harsh lessons of life that helped him to master the Law of Attraction.
Steven has a story that you would not wish on your worst enemy. Space does not permit me to go into all the details, but in a nutshell: he built a great life for himself, and then watched it all crumble before his eyes. Eventually he rebuilt himself, and is once again living the life of his dreams. He was able to rebuild it because he learned to master The Law of Attraction, and now understands why his world crumbled in the first place - because he unknowingly attracted it! And he wants to help you avoid the same harsh life lessons that he experienced.
He has put together a course called You Can Attract It, in which he coaches people not only on the basics of the Law of Attraction, but how to implement it on a daily basis, to systematically (and unfailingly) build a life of their dreams. Steven G Jones is a master hypnotist and hypnotherapist with over 22 books on hypnotherapy.

 To say that he knows a thing or two about "magnetism" and attracting things is a massive understatement. There is no one better to learn this information from. His understanding of education and learning, his understanding of how the mind functions, and his understanding of the Law of Attraction have all culminated in "You Can Attract It" - considered by some to be the most usable resource on the Law of Attraction ever created.
You owe it to yourself to learn more about this course. The foreword to You Can Attract It was written by New York Times Best Selling Author John Assaraf, one of the experts featured in the film The Secret, which he helped launch into a worldwide phenomenon. He has shared his expertise on achieving financial freedom and living an extraordinary life with millions of viewers on Larry King Live, The Ellen DeGeneres Show, and dozens of other media venues worldwide. And, it isn't very often that John endorses a product or service, especially relating to the Law of Attraction. You see, John had to thoroughly review You Can Attract It before even considering to write the foreword. So you can be sure this is going to make a powerful impact if John is endorsing it.
Find out more about the Law of Attraction, and more importantly, find out how to apply the Law of Attraction in your life, to create the life of your dreams. You Can Attract It is fully guaranteed to help you. Steven Jones' experience and ability to teach is just what you need. It's the "missing link" that so many people are searching for, and now it has been placed right in front of you. This is no accident - this is the Law of Attraction at work, so don't ignore your intuition.


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