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Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Mastering The Law Of Attraction - Awareness Is Key!


Are you creating consciously or are you attracting what you do not want instead of manifesting the things you desire in your life? Becoming aware is crucial to mastering conscious creation and creating the life you dream of living.

Most of us are masters at unconscious creation. What we don't want is dominating our lives and we unconsciously continue to draw more of it into our lives.

 It seems a catch 22; when we have what we do not want in our lives, it is easy to put our attention and feelings on those things and situations. What we are seeing and experiencing is what we perceive as the reality of our life. We spend our days thinking about and reacting to the current conditions that are in our lives but the Law of Attraction says that "like attracts like". We are unconsciously "attracting" more of exactly what we do not want into our lives. Most of the time we are not aware of what we are putting our attention on, what we are thinking and feeling and how ae are drawing it into our lives. We are unconscious of how we are creating our lives.

How do we break the cycle of negativity and manifesting what we do not want? What secret will change our life of struggle into one of joy and abundance? It is awareness. Only when you develop awareness of what you are thinking and feeling you can change the outcome. You create what you have or do not have in your life from your thoughts, feelings and actions. While we may be aware of our actions most of what we think and feel we have no awareness of. You have the power to create what you want but can only do this by becoming a conscious creator.

HOW do you become AWARE? It takes effort on your part and for most people support through coaching and workshops. Are you ready to make a committed decision to change? To do whatever it takes? Without awareness you will not be able to master the Law of Attraction and become a conscious creator. Awareness will change your life, developing an understanding of your true personal power. If you are ready to step into a different reality and take quantum leaps forward in your life, you must become AWARE.

Patty Tolar, Transformational Coach, is a life and business coach whose passion is helping you move beyond the unconscious beliefs that are keeping you from creating the life and business you dream of having, one of infinite possibilities and abundance! If you are ready to get unstuck Patty is here to help you reach the success you desire through her online classes and personal coaching.


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