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Monday, March 7, 2016

Bachelor of Fine Arts


In the United States the Bachelor of Fine Arts degree differs from a Bachelor of Arts degree in that the majority of the program consists of a practical studio component, as contrasted with lecture and discussion classes. A typical BFA program in the United States consists of two-thirds study in the arts, with one-third in more general liberal arts studies. For a BA in Art, the ratio might be reversed.

The National Association of Schools of Art and Design (NASAD), which accredits Bachelor of Fine Arts programs in visual art and design in the United States, states that "the professional degree (BFA) focuses on intensive work in the visual arts supported by a program of general studies," whereas "the liberal arts degree (BA) focuses on art and design in the context of a broad program of general studies."

A Bachelor of Fine Arts degree will often require an area of specialty such as acting, musical theatre, ceramics, computer animation, creative writing, dance, dramatic writing, drawing, fiber, film production, visual effects, animation, graphic design, illustration, industrial design, visual arts, technical arts, interior design, metalworking, music, new media, painting, photography, printmaking, sculpture, stage management, or television production. Some schools instead give their students a broad education in many disciplines of the arts.

Although a Bachelor of Fine Arts is traditionally considered a four-year degree, a BFA program may take longer to complete because of the amount of studio course work required.

Other countries

In some countries such a degree is called a Bachelor of Creative Arts (BCA). In the United Kingdom the equivalent degree is the Bachelor of Arts (BA) in Fine Art. In Australia the Bachelor of Fine Arts is awarded to students completing a degree in visual and performing arts. Specific degrees such as the Bachelor of Dance or Bachelor of Drama are used by some performing arts institutions in Australia and much of Europe. In India a Fine Arts undergraduate degree is known as a BFA or BVA[1] (Bachelor of Visual Arts). It is a four-year degree.

Bachelor of Arts

A Bachelor of Arts (BA, B.A., AB or A.B. from the Latin artium baccalaureus or baccalaureus artium) is a bachelor's degree awarded for an undergraduate course or program in either the liberal arts, the sciences, or both. Bachelor of Arts degree programs generally take three to four years depending on the country, academic institution, and specific specializations, majors or minors. The word baccalaureus or baccalarium (from the Latin bacca, a berry, and laureus, "of the bay laurel") should not be confused with baccalaureatus (translatable as "gold-plated scepter" by using the Latin baculum and aureatus), which refers to the one- to two-year postgraduate Bachelor of Arts with Honours degree (Baccalaureatus in Artibus Cum Honore) in some countries.

Diplomas generally give the name of the institution, signatures of officials of the institution (generally the president or rector of the university as well as the secretary or dean of the component college), the type of degree conferred, the conferring authority and the location at which the degree is conferred. Degree diplomas generally are printed on high quality paper or parchment; individual institutions set the preferred abbreviation for their degrees.[1]

The Bachelor of Arts degree is usually attained in four years in Afghanistan, Lebanon, Armenia, Greece, Bangladesh, Azerbaijan, Egypt, Iran, Japan, Nigeria, Serbia, Pakistan, the Philippines, Thailand, the Russia, Ireland, South Korea, Iraq, Tunisia, Kuwait and Turkey and most of the Americas.[2]

They generally last three years in nearly all of the European Union, and in Albania, Australia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, India, Israel, New Zealand, Iceland, Norway, Singapore, the Caribbean, South Africa, Switzerland, and the Canadian province of Quebec.

Master of Arts (Oxbridge)

Pour des informations plus générales sur le Master of Arts, voir l'article Master of Arts.
Dans les universités de Cambridge et Oxford en Angleterre, et l'université de Dublin en Irlande, le terme de Master of Arts désigne un diplôme universitaire de premier cycle (undergraduate). On précise souvent Master of Arts obtenu à Oxbridge, Oxbridge étant un terme familier pour désigner les universités d'Oxford et de Cambridge. Il n'a pas le même statut que le Master of Arts "classique" popularisé par les universités britanniques et les universités américaines et qui lui correspond à un diplôme de deuxième cycle (postgraduate). Ce diplôme de premier cycle est également délivré dans les Ancient university d'Écosse mais sous une forme légèrement différente (voir : Master of Arts (Écosse)).

Cette pratique est l'héritage d'une longue histoire et n'est pas toujours très bien vue par les universités plus récentes. A Oxford, Cambridge et Dublin, le diplôme de Bachelor of Arts est d'abord délivré et peut être transformé en Master of Arts trois ans plus tard. Le principal reproche fait à cette pratique est que les étudiants reçoivent ce titre sans avoir étudié plus alors que partout ailleurs, le niveau Master requiert une, voire deux, années d'approfondissement après un Bachelor ainsi que la rédaction d'un mémoire.

Ce Master de premier cycle est souvent considéré comme ayant une valeur légèrement supérieure au Bachelor et cette pratique risque de durer depuis la création de nouveau Master de premier cycle (undergraduate master) tels que les MSci, MEng ou encore MMath, qui sont des diplômes supérieurs au Bachelor mais qui ont un statut inférieur au Master classique.

Historiquement, le premier à l'obtenir fut Edmond Rich d'Abingdon, futur Saint Edmond de Cantorbéry (1170-1242), dit saint Edme.

Monday, February 29, 2016

MBA Master in Business Management and Marketing

In the terms "online" and "distance" is granted a period of 12 months for completion of the Master.
If the student, for good reasons, need a longer period must notify the school one month in advance.
The tutorials are conducted by mail, email or "mailbox" on-line campus. The "box" connects directly to the student with his tutor.
To proceed with the delivery of MBA Master's Degree in Business Management and Marketing, students must pass the evaluation exercises of each module.
Once past the Master, the student receives Title certifying and, if required, a transcript.
The MBA Master in Business Management and MK consists of 12 modules.
In the "distance" is sent to the student home folders that contain all the contents of the Master.
In Business School, the only difference between our method "on line" and methodology "to dsitancia" is that in the latter, as well as keys Virtual Campus School, are sent to the address the student's agenda the Master or courses and bound.
Any student or former student of School of Business can apply for inclusion of your resume in the Job.
The Department of Career School of Business is in permanent contact with enterprises in the sectors related to its educational offerings. This means that the school forward in a changing market, new business needs, and companies looking for professionals trained in our school as a guarantee for the future.
School of Business has signed agreements with most major Spanish companies? Waves and Europe. In addition, School of Business signed an agreement with Life Insurance, which covers all students who practice without any cost or the company or the student.

MBA: The Master of Business Administration And Your Career

Holding an MBA (Master of Business Administration) degree used to be a virtual guarantee of a good job and high paying salary.

While the benefits of holding an MBA don't necessarily guarantee that you'll get a better job and more money anymore, holding the designation can certainly help you in more ways than one.

I graduated from an undergraduate business program and found myself in the same classroom as MBA students during my senior year. We essentially took some of the same classes and I got to see firsthand how MBA classes operate.
Generally, classes were based on course work, case studies, exams, projects and class participation.
Verbally participating in class can be a big component of your final mark in MBA programs.
As a recruiter, I've worked with plenty of companies who won't hire a new staff member if they don't hold a certain level of education ie.

 a university degree.
In some companies, advancement to senior management could be at least somewhat dependent on holding a post graduate degree such as an MBA especially if other managers in the company already hold one.
In that regard, holding an MBA might help to qualify you for certain jobs that might otherwise be unattainable.
Among other things, an MBA can also help prepare you to compete in the business world by developing your communications and presentation skills, improve your ability to debate and get your point across in a business setting, and expose you to various business functions ie. finance, marketing, HR, etc.

Masters In Business Administration

The MBA business administration degree gives professional titles to individuals majoring in the business field. It produces experts in the corporation industry, especially the management administration line to facilitate a company's bottom subordinates.

 This program gives a wider knowledge of understanding of the concepts on how to navigate the collaboration between the employers, senior leaders and colleague relationships through some business principles. Besides, the pursuit of this master's degree paves the trajectory for individuals to explore their aspirations and capability in the business field.
If you are one who has the desire to take up the Masters in Business Administration, you would be sure to learn to be forward-thinking, solutions-oriented and immensely adaptive to environmental situations that may be subjected to great fluctuations and uncertainties in the global economy. Students will also acquire knowledge and skills associated with strategic planning, accounting, business law, marketing and human labor management in relation to an organization's operations. These are the factors that contribute vastly to a company's productivity, leadership, efficiency and abilities.
In general, the fundamental requirement for one to be able to admit into the MBA business administration program is the ordinary submission of official academic transcripts from former institutional bodies. The documents should include your results that indicate the cumulative grade point and the minimum is a 2.3. In the resume, student should also include their prior working experiences, letters of recommendation if any, the GMAT scores results and a personal proposal of career aspirations.
Most of the companies and business firms are constantly aiming to employ graduates of the Masters in Business Administration program. In fact, they would be more interested if these students graduate from accredited schools. The range of industries that come in close relation and available for this program covers the accounting, marketing, banking, finance, information technology, real estate development, management consultation, retail, manufacturing, hospitality, entertainment and healthcare. There is something imperative to look into that is choosing the right and suitable MBA program for yourself by taking into considering your personal talents, interest, previous qualifications, past experiences and overall academic achievements.

Sunday, February 28, 2016

Master the Law of Attraction Using Binaural Beats Technology

With this powerful new program from the Unexplainable Store, you can learn to Master the Law of Attraction easier than ever before. The law of attraction sounds easy on paper, but mastering it takes time because it requires subtle shifts in our thought processes, and subtle shifts are the hardest to make because we sometimes don't even realize that we are doing "improper" thinking in the first place.
The law of attraction states that you must be a match to whatever it is that you want to achieve, accomplish, or have. If you want success, you must feel successful, even before you have evidence of it in your life. If you do that really well, so that thoughts of "lack" or "poverty" or "not enough" never enter your thinking, then you are a match and the Law of attraction brings you similar energy, which takes form as synchronistic events, chance encounters, excellent luck, or sudden fortune.
The problem is that our brain and thinking is dominated by the brainwave patterns that we are operating under. The less "unified" or chaotic the brainwave pattern, the harder it is to be a "match" to the good things that you are trying to attract. The more unified and calm your brainwave patterns are, the easier it is to stay focused on the positive, and shift out of the negative thought patterns. When you do that, the ever-present law of attraction will begin bringing you things that match your new thought patterns.
Now there is a self-hypnosis audio recording series that uses binaural beats to help our brain shift into the Theta brainwave patterns. Simply by listening to the recordings, we can change our brainwave state which will help us feel enthusiastic, energetic, and we will start releasing some of the negative thought patterns and mental blockages that got us attracting negative experiences in the first place.
At betterlifewithhypnosis.com you'll find the most up-to-date information on hypnosis products as well as articles to guide you through the wonderful world that hypnosis can open for you. There are many titles and programs available and all are targeted to specific needs that individuals might have. Come on over and see for yourself -- You'll be happy that you did.

Master the Law of Attraction With Help From Steve G Jones

The Law of Attraction is the most powerful law in the Universe, so it is amazing that so many people are unaware of it, and don't know how it is working in their lives.

 However, it is always working, so you might as well learn to understand and master it. That way you start creating a life deliberately, using conscious choice, instead of by "default" - which is what the masses do. 

Following the masses is a surefire way of getting mediocre results and an unremarkable life. If you want a remarkable, exceptional life of deliberate creation, keep reading...
The movie "The Secret" has helped to introduce the concept of the Law of Attraction to the mainstream, which is an incredible first step, but it is by no means a complete education on the topic. It just gives viewers a taste of what is possible and the results of using the Law, but there is much more to the story.
People wonder how the Law of Attraction can be so real, so fundamental, yet most people remain oblivious to it? It does not seem to make any sense. Think of it this way: you are of course familiar with the Newtonian concept of gravity.

 Gravity influences everything we see, touch, build, or interact with, in a never failing but invisible way. But do people go around talking about gravity? No, they take it for granted. Before Newton "discovered it" it went completely unnoticed, it was unremarkable.
In the same way, the Law of Attraction has become so ingrained in our day-to-day lives that we scarcely give it any thought whatsoever! But it exists, and you must work within its rules. You do not go jumping off building expecting to fly, you expect to see the pavement rising up at you very quickly, with painful results.
In contrast, those who think about gravity and its effects turn it around and make gravity their ally and friend. Think about "base-jumpers". They happily throw themselves off skyscrapers and cliffs and enjoy the fall. That is because they consciously use gravity to their advantage, and they are armed with the tools that prevent a painful "splat" at the bottom. 

They understand what is needed to prevent a landing, and they float to the ground, eager to do it all over again, filled with an adrenaline rush and pride! That's living!
Learning about the Law of Attraction is just like that, but you do not have to take the risks that basejumpers do.

 Once you understand the Law of Attraction, you can turn "negative" events around and make them your ally, your friend, and your guide. Keep working with it until you have completely proven the law to yourself and mastered it, then "painful events" will be replaced by the events you want, the things you want, in your life. That's really what it's all about, getting more of what you want in life, and less of what you don't, in a conscious, deliberate way.
To do that, you need to learn about the Law of Attraction from someone who has mastered it, and who has dedicated themselves to teaching it to others. Steven G.

 Jones is an author, hypnotherapist, and has a Masters degree in Education, plus a PhD in the harsh lessons of life that helped him to master the Law of Attraction.
Steven has a story that you would not wish on your worst enemy. Space does not permit me to go into all the details, but in a nutshell: he built a great life for himself, and then watched it all crumble before his eyes. Eventually he rebuilt himself, and is once again living the life of his dreams. He was able to rebuild it because he learned to master The Law of Attraction, and now understands why his world crumbled in the first place - because he unknowingly attracted it! And he wants to help you avoid the same harsh life lessons that he experienced.
He has put together a course called You Can Attract It, in which he coaches people not only on the basics of the Law of Attraction, but how to implement it on a daily basis, to systematically (and unfailingly) build a life of their dreams. Steven G Jones is a master hypnotist and hypnotherapist with over 22 books on hypnotherapy.

 To say that he knows a thing or two about "magnetism" and attracting things is a massive understatement. There is no one better to learn this information from. His understanding of education and learning, his understanding of how the mind functions, and his understanding of the Law of Attraction have all culminated in "You Can Attract It" - considered by some to be the most usable resource on the Law of Attraction ever created.
You owe it to yourself to learn more about this course. The foreword to You Can Attract It was written by New York Times Best Selling Author John Assaraf, one of the experts featured in the film The Secret, which he helped launch into a worldwide phenomenon. He has shared his expertise on achieving financial freedom and living an extraordinary life with millions of viewers on Larry King Live, The Ellen DeGeneres Show, and dozens of other media venues worldwide. And, it isn't very often that John endorses a product or service, especially relating to the Law of Attraction. You see, John had to thoroughly review You Can Attract It before even considering to write the foreword. So you can be sure this is going to make a powerful impact if John is endorsing it.
Find out more about the Law of Attraction, and more importantly, find out how to apply the Law of Attraction in your life, to create the life of your dreams. You Can Attract It is fully guaranteed to help you. Steven Jones' experience and ability to teach is just what you need. It's the "missing link" that so many people are searching for, and now it has been placed right in front of you. This is no accident - this is the Law of Attraction at work, so don't ignore your intuition.

Master the Law of Attraction - 3 Secrets to Master the Law of Attraction You MUST Know

To truly master the law of attraction takes time and consistent effort. You've GOT to want to make it work for you in your life.
Since you're here reading this article, I'm sure you've watched The Secret or read Ether Hicks works. While reading, it all made good sense, but putting the law of attraction into PRACTICE is a different story, right?
It sure was for me.
Luckily, along the way, I learned a few tricks I'll share with you.

Master Martial Arts - A Few Easy and Useful Tips

Martial arts is one of the popular and very useful skill that you can use anywhere you go. It is also one of the 'cool' things that you can do to protect yourself or as a self-defense for you and for people close to you.
Of course, this ability require accuracy and mastery, thus you have to make sure that you have mastered the art and that you can apply it in times that you need to defend yourself.

 However, one of the things that many martial artists need to overcome is the fear whenever one is placed in an actual situation where you have to defend yourself. 

Thus, it is important to master martial arts so you will feel completely prepared and confident that you can defend yourself and apply your knowledge in this art of self-defense.
- Have a goal in mind and you can even put it into writing. Having a goal in mind can guide you in achieving your goals when it comes to your martial arts training.

 Of course, you can divide your big goals into smaller ones to make it more manageable as well. With a goal jotted down, you will also be guided with a good direction on where you are going to go in terms of your martial artist skills.
- Give time to practice every day. Like any other skills or hobby that you want to master, it is important that you also have to set aside enough time for your practice. Practicing your martial arts is indeed one of the best ways to master it and make it work efficiently for you. Accuracy and precision in martial arts can actually be learned through constant practice thus, make sure you also have enough time to home your skills everyday.

 Indeed training yourself with this self-defense techniques should be part of your everyday life if you want to master martial arts.
- Get a training buddy. Of course, having someone to train with you can be beneficial and advantageous as someone can help tell whether you are doing it right or wrong. Getting a professional trainer can also be a good idea for you to master the art well. 

With expert's eyes you can be corrected earlier on if you have mistakes in your routines.
- Empty your mind before even trying to go practicing your skills. Martial arts require discipline and concentration and with a busy mind, you may not be able to work on mastering this art on self-defense.
- Watch, observe and learn from the expert.

 In fact, some may practice by sparring with those who are much better than they are. Watch their techniques and skills. You can learn new tips and techniques from them and apply them in your training as well.
As there are quite a number of techniques that you have to learn in this self-defense technique and you have to execute them properly, that means you need to allot time for all your practice. Of course, to master martial arts, you also have to be patient as well.
Carolyn Anderson enjoys a lot of hobbies and interests.

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Master the Law of Attraction by Now Practicing This Crucial Technique


How great is your desire to master the law of attraction practices? If you desire to learn and increase your ability to create your own reality then your appetite has to be very great. You have to understand all parts of this practice. As your knowledge grows so will your skills and creating great results.

All your good efforts could be foiled if you omit to understand some key principles.

You see one of the most powerful techniques that can be applied not only to the law of attraction but every area of your life is to know what is working against your efforts. Whatever is working against you is causing heavy resistance. You place effort but soon you fall right back. You make two steps forward then fall four steps backwards. What causes resistance?

The First Step is to Know what You Want

Knowing what you want is not always easy for many people. Many people have no clue what they want and their wants keep changing all the time. Today they want one thing but later they want something totally different. This behavior immediately causes conflict.

The Balance Technique

Now that you know for sure what it is you want in your life, now you have to tackle a crucial step that is most often never considered. That step is to weight the good things which support your goal and the things which causes resistance against your goal.

Mastering The Law Of Attraction - Awareness Is Key!


Are you creating consciously or are you attracting what you do not want instead of manifesting the things you desire in your life? Becoming aware is crucial to mastering conscious creation and creating the life you dream of living.

Most of us are masters at unconscious creation. What we don't want is dominating our lives and we unconsciously continue to draw more of it into our lives.

 It seems a catch 22; when we have what we do not want in our lives, it is easy to put our attention and feelings on those things and situations. What we are seeing and experiencing is what we perceive as the reality of our life. We spend our days thinking about and reacting to the current conditions that are in our lives but the Law of Attraction says that "like attracts like". We are unconsciously "attracting" more of exactly what we do not want into our lives. Most of the time we are not aware of what we are putting our attention on, what we are thinking and feeling and how ae are drawing it into our lives. We are unconscious of how we are creating our lives.

How do we break the cycle of negativity and manifesting what we do not want? What secret will change our life of struggle into one of joy and abundance? It is awareness. Only when you develop awareness of what you are thinking and feeling you can change the outcome. You create what you have or do not have in your life from your thoughts, feelings and actions. While we may be aware of our actions most of what we think and feel we have no awareness of. You have the power to create what you want but can only do this by becoming a conscious creator.

HOW do you become AWARE? It takes effort on your part and for most people support through coaching and workshops. Are you ready to make a committed decision to change? To do whatever it takes? Without awareness you will not be able to master the Law of Attraction and become a conscious creator. Awareness will change your life, developing an understanding of your true personal power. If you are ready to step into a different reality and take quantum leaps forward in your life, you must become AWARE.

Patty Tolar, Transformational Coach, is a life and business coach whose passion is helping you move beyond the unconscious beliefs that are keeping you from creating the life and business you dream of having, one of infinite possibilities and abundance! If you are ready to get unstuck Patty is here to help you reach the success you desire through her online classes and personal coaching.

Master the Law of Attraction With Help From Steve G Jones

The Law of Attraction is the most powerful law in the Universe, so it is amazing that so many people are unaware of it, and don't know how it is working in their lives. However, it is always working, so you might as well learn to understand and master it. That way you start creating a life deliberately, using conscious choice, instead of by "default" - which is what the masses do. Following the masses is a surefire way of getting mediocre results and an unremarkable life. If you want a remarkable, exceptional life of deliberate creation, keep reading...

The movie "The Secret" has helped to introduce the concept of the Law of Attraction to the mainstream, which is an incredible first step, but it is by no means a complete education on the topic. It just gives viewers a taste of what is possible and the results of using the Law, but there is much more to the story.

People wonder how the Law of Attraction can be so real, so fundamental, yet most people remain oblivious to it? It does not seem to make any sense. Think of it this way: you are of course familiar with the Newtonian concept of gravity. Gravity influences everything we see, touch, build, or interact with, in a never failing but invisible way. But do people go around talking about gravity? No, they take it for granted. Before Newton "discovered it" it went completely unnoticed, it was unremarkable.

In the same way, the Law of Attraction has become so ingrained in our day-to-day lives that we scarcely give it any thought whatsoever! But it exists, and you must work within its rules. You do not go jumping off building expecting to fly, you expect to see the pavement rising up at you very quickly, with painful results.

In contrast, those who think about gravity and its effects turn it around and make gravity their ally and friend. Think about "base-jumpers". They happily throw themselves off skyscrapers and cliffs and enjoy the fall. That is because they consciously use gravity to their advantage, and they are armed with the tools that prevent a painful "splat" at the bottom. They understand what is needed to prevent a landing, and they float to the ground, eager to do it all over again, filled with an adrenaline rush and pride! That's living!

Learning about the Law of Attraction is just like that, but you do not have to take the risks that basejumpers do. Once you understand the Law of Attraction, you can turn "negative" events around and make them your ally, your friend, and your guide. Keep working with it until you have completely proven the law to yourself and mastered it, then "painful events" will be replaced by the events you want, the things you want, in your life. That's really what it's all about, getting more of what you want in life, and less of what you don't, in a conscious, deliberate way.

To do that, you need to learn about the Law of Attraction from someone who has mastered it, and who has dedicated themselves to teaching it to others. Steven G. Jones is an author, hypnotherapist, and has a Masters degree in Education, plus a PhD in the harsh lessons of life that helped him to master the Law of Attraction.

Steven has a story that you would not wish on your worst enemy. Space does not permit me to go into all the details, but in a nutshell: he built a great life for himself, and then watched it all crumble before his eyes. Eventually he rebuilt himself, and is once again living the life of his dreams. He was able to rebuild it because he learned to master The Law of Attraction, and now understands why his world crumbled in the first place - because he unknowingly attracted it! And he wants to help you avoid the same harsh life lessons that he experienced.

He has put together a course called You Can Attract It, in which he coaches people not only on the basics of the Law of Attraction, but how to implement it on a daily basis, to systematically (and unfailingly) build a life of their dreams. Steven G Jones is a master hypnotist and hypnotherapist with over 22 books on hypnotherapy. To say that he knows a thing or two about "magnetism" and attracting things is a massive understatement. 

There is no one better to learn this information from. His understanding of education and learning, his understanding of how the mind functions, and his understanding of the Law of Attraction have all culminated in "You Can Attract It" - considered by some to be the most usable resource on the Law of Attraction ever created.

You owe it to yourself to learn more about this course. The foreword to You Can Attract It was written by New York Times Best Selling Author John Assaraf, one of the experts featured in the film The Secret, which he helped launch into a worldwide phenomenon. He has shared his expertise on achieving financial freedom and living an extraordinary life with millions of viewers on Larry King Live, The Ellen DeGeneres Show, and dozens of other media venues worldwide. And, it isn't very often that John endorses a product or service, especially relating to the Law of Attraction. You see, John had to thoroughly review You Can Attract It before even considering to write the foreword. So you can be sure this is going to make a powerful impact if John is endorsing it.

Find out more about the Law of Attraction, and more importantly, find out how to apply the Law of Attraction in your life, to create the life of your dreams. You Can Attract It is fully guaranteed to help you. Steven Jones' experience and ability to teach is just what you need. It's the "missing link" that so many people are searching for, and now it has been placed right in front of you. This is no accident - this is the Law of Attraction at work, so don't ignore your intuition.

Master the Law of Attraction


The Secret and The Law of Attraction

The movie "The Secret" has created a lot of attention on the law of attraction and along with it so much disappointment. The Secret gives some basics and an introduction to the law of attraction but falls far short of anyone being able to master it. Watching the secret you might come away with the idea that you just visualize the thing you want and it will magically appear. People have been doing that for years, it's called day dreaming. The fact is The Secret really says a lot more than that about the law of attraction and I don't intend to discount or detract from the importance of the movie. It is just that most people need more information to be able to use many of the ideas that The Secret introduced.

The Science of Getting Rich and The Law of Attraction

Rhonda Byrne, the creator of The Secret, has said that a copy of the Wallace Wattles success classic "The Science of Getting Rich" was given to her at a low point in her life and that it was the inspiration for the movie. The Science of Getting Rich is all about mastering the law of attraction but the fact is it never uses the words "law of attraction" but most experts on the law agree that this book is one of the best single sources about attaining mastery.

The Science of Getting Rich was written about 100 years ago and you will be able to see predictions in it's pages that have come to fruition. Wattles predicted that the airline industry would be a great business one day. This at a time when most people hadn't seen an airplane and the Wright Brothers were figuratively crawling around on the floor with their new airplane - and the "takeoff" of the airline industry was still years away. Yet this peculiar little man Wattles could see it and he wrote about it while describing "the law of attraction" in The Science of Getting Rich.

We'll Call The Secret a 101 Level Course

If The Secret is a 101 level course in mastering the law of attraction, then we will call The Science of Getting Rich a 201 level course. With The Secret as your introduction and The Science of Getting Rich as your second level course you will be quite prepared to use the law and you will have achieved a certain mastery. A highly insightful person willing to meditate and spend some years taking in all of the ideas can get to mastery with just these two resources. Perhaps you'd like a greater mastery of the law of attraction but you don't want to spend years meditating on and studying The Science of Getting Rich. In that case where do you find a 301 level course?

Mastery of The Law of Attraction - The 301 Level Course

Bob Proctor is one of the featured teachers in The Secret. Bob is one of those people who has been studying and meditating on The Science of Getting Rich for over 30 years and is a recognized expert on and master of the law of attraction. Bob sees the law of attraction as the whole made up of many smaller parts, smaller laws that fit together and make something larger than the sum of the parts. Bob has identified 11 parts that fit together to make the whole and calls them The 11 Forgotten Laws.

What Bob teaches is revolutionary about how you can use these 11 Forgotten Laws sort of like a lens to focus your power on the thing you are seeking to manifest.

The Law of Attraction - Mastering the Law of Attraction

  For those venturing into this journey of spiritual development I have listed 11 Keys understandings that you must have if you are ever to master the law of attraction in your experience:

1. The law of attraction is a result of your own development and not the other way around. Focus on expanding your awareness of your own ideas, beliefs and thoughts first, before you focus too much on your ability to consciously create.

2. Remove as much drama from your life as possible: it is impossible to focus enough energy into your own development if you are distracted.

3. The law of attraction represents your ability to consciously choose your experience and so to determine your future: it is the reason that you are here, to understand and explore your creative ability.

4. To master the law of attraction you must master your ability to consciously choose your beliefs and focus them into reality to create events.

5. The physical world that you experience is created to give you the chance to see the power of your own beliefs first hand and to learn how to use them to consciously create your own experience.

6. You are multi-dimensional, this means that your identity, and every other person or object you can name exists in more ways that than the one you are experiencing.

7. You will never consciously know how it works so allow other aspects of your identity to do the work they want to just as you allow your body consciousness to breathe without getting involved.

8. There are many other aspects to the law of attraction than simply 'asking the universe' these other 'laws' actually cause the law of attraction to exist and so must also be understood.

9. Staying in the moment is a key element of mastering the law of attraction and must be cultivated and practiced: it is where your power is.

10. Your reasoning mind cannot work out the process involved in creating the life you want or the nature of your own identity so stop trying to work it out: create faith and trust in the process.

11. Have fun.

These 11 tips are essential for those who want to expand their own awareness to such a degree that they have the awareness, power and ability to consciously choose their experience. This process of personal and spiritual development takes time and effort as well as commitment and integrity but for those who do wish to master the law of attraction the effort and time invested in well worth the effort.

So what is the aim or goal of all this effort? Why take time energy and effort to master the law of attraction at all?
Well, to answer that I would have to reason it out in terms of time and measurements in some fashion and of course this is not possible, just as it is not possible to measure love or hope.

 But the effect is there for all to see, a life of focused wonderment and possibilities where immortality is consciously known and where each moment fulfilling itself through an expansion of personal and unified consciousness.

 It is a life of challenge without compromise but one where the possibilities extend beyond the limited imagination of the mind: it is also great fun at times too.

 The prize can thought of as 'having everything you could want' however that also depends on where you are within reality at any given point, and that is why it is a personal journey that you must take yourself.
To master the ability to create the life you want and understand your true nature is a personal and spiritual journey that is challenging so I would encourage you to get support and training.
David Marshall is the author of three books, a spiritual teacher and Master NLP Practitioner and Master Hypnotherapist and law of attraction expert.

 He is the creator of [http://lawofattractiontutor.com] where anyone can receive professional training in the law of attraction and how they can consciously choose their life experiences.

The Masterplan


The Masterplan is a compilation album by the English rock band Oasis, comprising B-sides which never made it onto an album. The album was originally intended for release only in areas such as the United States and Japan, where the tracks were only available on expensive European import singles. It was first released in late 1998. The Masterplan reached number 2 in the UK where it went platinum, and number 51 in the United States. However, it did reach the Top 20 in various charts around the world, going on to sell two million copies. 

Four songs from the album appear on the 2006 compilation album

Master of Puppets


Master of Puppets is the third studio album by American heavy metal band Metallica, released on March 3, 1986 by Elektra Records. 

Recorded at the Sweet Silence Studios with producer Flemming Rasmussen, it was the first Metallica album released on a major label. Master of Puppets was the band's last album to feature bassist Cliff Burton, who died in a bus crash in Sweden during the album's promotional tour. The album peaked at number 29 on the Billboard 200 and became the first thrash metal album to be certified platinum.

 It was certified 6× platinum by the Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA) in 2003 for shipping six million copies in the United States. The album was eventually certified 6× platinum by Music Canada and gold by the British Phonographic Industry (BPI).

Master of Puppets was released to critical acclaim and has been included in several publications' best album lists. Its driving, virtuosic music and angry, political lyrics drew praise from critics outside the metal community. The album is considered the band's strongest effort of the period, and is one of the most influential heavy metal albums. 

Critics credit it for consolidating the American thrash metal scene with its atmospheric and meticulously performed songs. Many bands from all genres of heavy metal have covered the album's songs, including tribute albums.

The cover was designed by Metallica and Peter Mensch and painted by Don Brautigam. It depicts a cemetery field of white crosses tethered to strings, manipulated by a pair of hands in a blood-red sky. Instead of releasing a single or video in the US to promote Master of Puppets, Metallica embarked on a five-month American tour in support of Ozzy Osbourne. 

The European leg was canceled after Burton's death in September 1986, and the band returned home to audition a new bassist. Metallica honored the album's 20th anniversary in 2006 by playing it in its entirety.

Master System

The Sega Master System (Japanese:  Hepburn: Sega Masutā Shisutemu?) is a third-generation home video game console that was manufactured by Sega. It was originally released in 1985 as the Sega Mark III in Japan. 

After being redesigned prior to its North American launch, the console was renamed Master 


System and released in 1986 in North America, 1987 in Europe, and 1989 in Brazil. The redesigned Master System was also released in Japan in 1987.

 Both the Mark III and the original Master System models could play with both cartridges and the credit card-sized Sega Cards, which retailed at lower prices than cartridges but had lower storage capacity; the Master System II and later models did not have the card slot. 

The Master System also featured accessories such as a light gun and 3D glasses which were designed to work with a range of specially coded games.

Succeeding the SG-1000, the Master System was released as a direct competitor to the Nintendo Entertainment System (NES) in the third generation of video game consoles. 

The Master System was constructed with hardware superior to that of the NES, but failed to overturn Nintendo's significant market share advantage in Japan and North America.

 However, it attained significantly more success in Europe and Brazil. The hardware of the Master System also shared many similarities with Sega's handheld game console, the Sega Game Gear.

 Compared to its competition from Nintendo, the Master System's game library lacks a number of well-received titles due to Nintendo's licensing practices that restricted third-party developers from creating games for any system other than the NES. Sales of the console have been estimated between 10 and 13 million units, not including recent Brazil sales, compared to 62 million NES units sold. Reception to the system given in retrospect gives credit to the system's role in Sega's development of the Sega Genesis, as well as for having a number of well-received titles, particularly in PAL regions, but is generally critical of its smaller game library compared to the NES.

 As of 2015, the Master System is the longest-lived game console (30 years and continuing), due to its popularity in Brazil.

Monday, February 22, 2016

UNC School of Social Work

The University of North Carolina School of Social Work is a graduate school offering M.S.W. (Master of Social Work) and Ph.D. degrees.

[1] Also offered are dual degree programs coordinated jointly with UNC's School of Public Health, School of Law, School of Government, and Duke University's Divinity School. In 2008, U.S. News & World Report ranked the School of Social Work fourth among social work programs at public universities and eighth out of 165 programs nationwide.

[2] The mission of the UNC School of Social Work is to expand knowledge regarding social problems and programs, to educate social workers for advanced practice, and to provide leadership in the development of socially and economically just policies and programs that strengthen individuals, families, groups, organizations and communities.

Rutgers School of Social Work

The School of Social Work is a college at Rutgers University that awards undergraduate and graduate degrees in social work. Established in 1954, the School today has more than 50 full-time faculty members and 150 part-time lecturers, and approximately 1,000 enrolled students.[1] Classes are held at three Rutgers University campuses: Newark, New Brunswick and Camden.
The School includes several research centers, including the Center for Gambling Studies, the Center for International Social Work, the Center for Nonprofit Management and Governance, the Center on Violence Against Women and Children, and the Institute for Families.
In 2008, Verizon Wireless started a $100,000 scholarship fund to the Center on Violence Against Women and Children at the School of Social Work. It was to be awarded annually to three graduate students specializing at the Center

Doctor of Social Work

While the master of social work (MSW) degree is widely accepted as a terminal professional degree in the field, the doctor of social work (DSW) is a professional doctorate in social work, most often offering advanced training in a professional area of practice. 

The DSW usually focuses on clinical practice or nonprofit administration. The DSW is related to, but also distinct from the more traditional PhD, which is a more research-oriented degree for social workers who wish primarily to further their careers in academia or research settings. Although different schools vary in the extent to which they emphasize each, both DSW and PhD candidates in the field of social work gain experience in education, advanced practice, teaching, supervision, research, policy analysis, administration and/or program development. As with other doctorates, a holder of a DSW is entitled to use the title 'doctor'.

University of Pittsburgh School of Social Work

The University of Pittsburgh School of Social Work, one of the 13 schools and colleges located within the University of Pittsburgh located in the Oakland section of Pittsburgh, PA. Its offices are in the world famous Cathedral of Learning, a forty-story, gothic-style, edifice that is signature building of the University.
The School of Social Work offers bachelor’s master’s and doctoral degrees in social work. The master’s program at the School is ranked 11th in the nation according to the US News and World Report’s Best Social Work Graduate Schools.[1] The School’s doctoral program Social Work was created in 1945 and is the second oldest social work doctoral program in the nation. The School also administers the statewide Child Welfare Education and Research Programs from the Oakland Campus and the Child Welfare Resource Center for the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania in Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania.

Trachtenberg School of Public Policy and Public Administration

the trachtenberg School of Public Policy and Public Administration (also known as TSPPPA) is a graduate school in the Columbian College of Arts and Sciences at George Washington University. The Trachtenberg School offers Master of Public Policy, Master of Public Administration, and PhD degrees in Public Policy and Public Administration. The school is located in Foggy Bottom in the District of Columbia, close to federal government agencies, nonprofits, international organizations, and other public organizations throughout the Washington D.C. area. The master’s programs in public administration and public policy intend to integrate theory and practice in scholarship, teaching, and service and embrace multiple perspectives for advancing critical analysis and practical knowledge in the fields of public policy and public administration. The PhD program offers a rigorous multi-disciplinary curriculum that prepares students for careers in university teaching and research, research institutions, government, and international organizations. For Public Affairs schools, it is ranked 12th nationwide by US News & World Report, and 10th in Public Management Administration.

Council on Education for Public Health

The Council on Education for Public Health (CEPH) is an independent agency recognized by the U.S. Department of Education to accredit schools of public health and public health programs offered in settings other than schools of public health

These schools and programs prepare students for entry into careers in public health.

The primary professional degree is the Master of Public Health (M.P.H.) but other master's and doctoral degrees are offered as well such as the Doctor of Public Health (DrPH).
The Council is a private, nonprofit corporation directed by a 10-member board. As an independent body, the board is solely responsible for adopting criteria by which schools and programs are evaluated, for establishing policies and procedures, for making accreditation decisions and for managing the business of the corporation.
The Council's values statement is as follows:[1]
CEPH protects the interests of students and the public by supporting the development of successful public health schools and programs. We value the following:
Quality and innovation in process and outcomes;
Consistency, fairness and transparency; and
Collaboration and inclusion to support positive environments in our own organization and in those we accredit.

Goldman School of Public Policy

The Richard and Rhoda Goldman School of Public Policy (GSPP) is a public policy school and one of 14 schools and colleges at the University of California, Berkeley.

 Originally named the Graduate School of Public Policy, it was founded in 1969 as one of the first public policy institutions in the United States. It is ranked as the #1 public policy graduate program in the country by 'US News and World Report.'
The Graduate School was renamed after the Richard and Rhoda Goldman Fund donated $10 million in 1997. The current dean is Henry Brady.[1] The first dean was political scientist Aaron Wildavsky.
The building was originally designed by Ernest Coxhead in 1893 as the Beta Theta Pi fraternity house. It is located on the historic north side of the Berkeley campus.

 The building underwent seismic strengthening and received a Preservation Award from the Berkeley Architectural Heritage Association (BAHA).
The main component of the school's graduate curriculum is the two-year Master of Public Policy (MPP) program, with a core curriculum emphasizing practical and applied dimensions of policymaking. The curriculum includes core courses that provide a foundation in subjects ranging from political elements of the decision-making process and legal analysis to such specific analytic tools and concepts as microeconomic theory and statistical modeling. The curriculum also includes five electives, taken either at GSPP or elsewhere on the Berkeley campus, that allow students to focus on a particular policy area or a set of policy tools.
The curriculum allows students to apply their learning in the service of real clients. Students work at a summer policy internship between their first and second years and complete an analysis, in groups and individually, during the spring semester of each year.

 Locally- and nationally-known policy professionals, provide perspective and guidance to students.
GSPP not only offers the Master of Public Policy degree but also a Ph.D. for those interested in furthering research in public policy methods. 

Though it does not award bachelor's degrees, it offers a minor program for undergraduates. The Goldman School of Public Policy also offers a Master of Public Affairs (MPA), a degree program for mid-career professionals.

Mount Saint Vincent University

Mount Saint Vincent University, often referred to as The Mount, is a primarily undergraduate public university located in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada, and was established in 1873. Mount Saint Vincent offers Undergraduate programs in Arts, Science, Education, and a number of professional programs including Applied Human Nutrition, Business Administration, Child and Youth Study, Public Relations, and Tourism and Hospitality Management.

 As well, the Mount has 13 graduate degrees in areas including Applied Human Nutrition, School Psychology, Child and Youth Study, Education, Family Studies and Gerontology, Public Relations and Women’s Studies. The Mount's first doctorate program, a PhD in Educational Studies, is a joint-initiative with St. 

Francis Xavier University and Acadia University. The Mount offer 10 full undergraduate degree programs and four graduate degree programs online.[3]
The university attracts many students in part because of its small class sizes, specialty programs, and location. The Mount has Canada Research Chairs in Gender Identity and Social Practices as well as Food Security and Policy Change.

 This institution is unique nationwide as it has a Chair in learning disabilities, Master of Public Relations program, Bachelor of Science in Communication Studies, and numerous other programs, faculty, and research initiatives.

Master of Public Administration

The Master of Public Administration (M.P.Adm., M.P.A., or MPA) is a professional post-graduate degree in public administration which is the public sector's offering equivalent to the private sector's Master of Business Administration.
The MPA program is a professional degree for the public sector and it prepares individuals to serve as managers in the executive arm of local, state/provincial, and federal/national government, and increasingly in nongovernmental organization (NGO) and nonprofit sectors; it places a focus on the systematic investigation of executive organization and management. 

Instruction includes the roles, development, and principles of public administration; public policy management and implementation. Through its history, the MPA degree has become more interdisciplinary by drawing from fields such as economics, sociology, law, anthropology, political science, and regional planning in order to equip MPA graduates with skills and knowledge covering a broad range of topics and disciplines relevant to the public sector.

 A core curriculum of a typical MPA program usually includes courses on microeconomics, public finance, research methods / statistics, policy process and policy analysis, public financial management, managerial accounting, ethics, public management, leadership, planning & Geographic Information Systems (GIS), and program evaluation/performance measurement. Depending on their interest, MPA students can focus their studies on a variety of public sector fields such as urban planning, emergency management, transportation, health care (especially public health), economic development, urban management, community development, education, non-profits, information technology, environmental policy, cultural policy, and criminal justice, etc.
MPA graduates currently serve in some important positions within the public sector including Prime Minister of Singapore Lee Hsien Loong, UN Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon, former CIA Director David Petraeus, President of Liberia Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, Former President of Mexico Felipe Calderón, Foreign Minister of Serbia Vuk Jeremić, New York City Police Commissioner Raymond Kelly, Former Secretary of Health and Human Services Kathleen Sebelius, former Treasurer of Australia Wayne Swan, Deputy Opposition Leader Tanya Plibersek, former Commandant of the U.S. Coast Guard Thad Allen.[1] Other notable MPA graduates include Bill O'Reilly (Fox News).
In recent years, there has been a gradual convergence between the MPA and the Master of Public Policy (MPP) degrees. Today, the course offerings of most MPA and MPP programs overlap to some degree, but MPP programs tend to provide more focused training in policy analysis and policy design, while MPA programs usually still provide more focused coursework in program implementation and public management.
Many educational institutions are now offering MPA degrees via online instruction, such as the highly regarded program at the University of Nebraska at Omaha [1]. 

There are also Executive MPA programs for professionals who have prior work and management experience.
Outside the United States, the MPA degree increasingly includes a substantial element of management education sitting alongside public policy and public administration thereby bringing it closer to the MBA degree. However, some MPA programs in the United States are housed in Business schools (see BYU's Marriott School of Management and LSU's E. J.

 Ourso College of Business). In other cases, they bring together multidisciplinary approaches and methodologies as to give their students a more comprehensive overview of the current challenges of public administration.

Friday, February 19, 2016

Master of Arts in Liberal Studies

The Master of Arts in Liberal Studies (MA, ALM, MLA, MLS, or MALS) is a graduate degree that aims to provide both depth and breadth of study in the liberal arts. It is by nature an interdisciplinary program, generally pulling together coursework from a number disciplines such as behavioral sciences, humanities, natural sciences, and social sciences designed to train students to think critically and contextually about their own fields of discipline as well a diverse range of issues. Similar graduate degrees are known as Master of Liberal Arts (MLA), Master of Liberal Studies (MLS), Artium Liberalium Magister (ALM, or Art. Lib. Mgr.), Magister Artium Liberalium (Mgr. Art. Lib.), and Doctor of Liberal Studies (DLS). Characteristics that distinguish these degrees include curricular flexibility and interdisciplinary synthesis via a Master's thesis or capstone project.
Like other Master's degree programs, students generally enroll in a master's in liberal studies only after receiving a bachelor's degree. As of 2005, there were over 130 colleges and universities offering liberal arts master's programs. Admissions criteria vary by institution.
Postgraduate liberal studies originated at Wesleyan University in 1953. Administrators sought to 'break graduate education free' from what they perceived as 'the bonds of overspecialization' that were then prevalent at colleges and universities throughout the United States and Europe. Initially aimed at professors and teachers, postgraduate liberal studies quickly gained popularity and became a cause célèbre during the progressive education movements of the 1960s
. Another early program began at Johns Hopkins University in 1962 and quickly gained national recognition. Then as now, Liberal Studies programs tend to draw courses and instructors from across a university's postgraduate curriculum. Students often devise unique courses of study to suit their individual interests, passion, and scholarly curiosity.

 Typically liberal arts graduate programs are designed to counter the trend in modern education toward specialization and toward a career focus, offering instead the opportunity to explore ideas, to pursue kn

Master of Arts in Teaching

The Master of Arts in Teaching (MAT) or Master of Science in Teaching (MST) degree is generally a pre-service degree that usually requires a minimum of 30 semester hours beyond the bachelor's degree.

 While the program often requires education classes in order to meet state licensure requirements, it emphasizes advanced coursework in a specific academic discipline to enhance one's knowledge in that subject area.

[1] Furthermore, it focuses on educating the candidate in practical teaching skills for use as a teacher, as opposed to focusing on performing research in the educational field. Candidates usually spend a semester as a full time student teacher in order to earn the degree. There are two general models that (MAT) degrees follow: A 5th year model in which students spend one year extra beyond their bachelor’s degree to earn a master's degree and an initial teaching license; and a Flex program which usually offers part-time weekend and evening courses to accommodate professionals who are changing careers.

 The Master of Arts in Teaching degree is often advantageous to middle school and secondary school teachers because it allows them to focus on subject area knowledge in their undergraduate program and then acquire pedagogical skills in their graduate studies. It differs from the Master of Education (M.Ed) degree which is usually geared toward practicing teachers, or toward those who desire to serve as counselors (school or otherwise) or as educational administrators.

Master of Arts (Scotland)

 The degree of Master of Arts in Scotland typically refers to a four-year undergraduate Honours degree in the arts, humanities or social sciences awarded by one of the ancient universities of Scotland – the University of St Andrews, the University of Glasgow, the University of Aberdeen, the University of Edinburgh - plus the University of Dundee (as a result of its history as a constituent college of the University of St Andrews) and Heriot-Watt University. The first two years of the Scottish Master of Arts consist of ordinary Bachelor level courses, however, after these, students who are accepted to pursue the Honours route will complete more advanced subjects and write a dissertation in their fourth year.

[1] Students who instead choose to do a "general" degree will complete their third year at a lower level of specialisation,[2] and receive a Bachelor of Arts (BA) or an MA without Honours.[3] For the postgraduate degree referred to in other places as "Master of Arts", Scottish universities usually award the 

Master of Arts (Oxbridge and Dublin)

In the universities of Oxford, Cambridge and Dublin, Bachelors of Arts with Honours of these universities are promoted to the degree of Master of Arts or Master in Arts (MA) on application after six or seven years' seniority as members of the university (including years as an undergraduate).

 As such, it is an academic rank, and not a postgraduate qualification and no further examination or study is required for this promotion.[1][2][3]
This practice differs from most other universities worldwide, at which the degree reflects further postgraduate study or achievement.

 These degrees are therefore sometimes referred to as the Oxford and Cambridge MA and the Dublin or Trinity MA, to draw attention to the difference.[4] However, like a postgraduate degree from another university, once incepted and promoted to a Master, the graduate no longer wears the academic dress or uses the post-nominal letters pertaining to a Bachelor of Arts, being no longer of that rank: i.e. the Master of Arts degree is not awarded separately (for instance, in addition to that of Bachelor of Arts), but rather the new rank is rather treated as a conversion of one degree to another.

Master of Arts

A Master of Arts (Latin: Magister Artium; abbreviated M.A., MA; also Latin: Artium Magister, abbreviated A.M., or AM) is a type of master's degree awarded by universities in many countries. The degree is usually contrasted with the Master of Science degree.

 Those admitted to the degree typically study English, History, Communication, International Relations, International Business Administration, European Studies or other of the Humanities, Philosophy and Social Sciences; however, different universities have different conventions and may also offer the degree for fields typically considered within the natural sciences and mathematics. The degree can be conferred in respect of completing courses and passing examinations, in respect of research, or a combination of the two.

Master–slave dialecti

The master–slave dialectic is the common name for a famous passage of Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel's Phenomenology of Spirit, though the original German phrase, Herrschaft und Knechtschaft, is more properly translated as Lordship and Bondage.[1] It is widely considered a key element in Hegel's philosophical system, and has heavily influenced many subsequent philosophers.
The passage describes, in narrative form, the development of self-consciousness as such in an encounter between what are thereby (i.e., emerging only from this encounter) two distinct, self-conscious beings; the essence of the dialectic is the movement or motion of recognizing, in which the two self-consciousnesses are constituted each in being recognized as self-conscious by the other. This movement, inexorably taken to its extreme, takes the form of a "struggle to the death" in which one masters the other, only to find that such lordship makes the very recognition he had sought impossible, since the bondsman, in this state, is not free to offer it.

International Formula Master

International Formula Master, also known as Formula Super 2000, was a European-based junior single seater formula. The series was conceived as a competitor for Formula Three and made its debut at Valencia in 2007.*

 European television channel Eurosport were backing the series and the series regularly supported the World Touring Car Championship during its European races.[1]
The championship started in 2005 as the 3000 Pro Series, organised by Peroni Promotion and based in Italy; it used Lola B99/50 chassis alongside 2002 cars.

 MTC Organisation took over for 2006 and renamed it F3000 International Masters, running a support series to the WTCC.

 In 2007 this series changed regulations, with N.Technology now running technical operations for MTC Organisation, and it became the International Formula Master. N.Technology had previously been involved in motorsport as an Alfa Romeo works team.

Palompon Institute of Technology

The Palompon Institute of Technology (PIT) is a state college in the Philippines. It is mandated to provide higher vocational, professional, and technical instruction and training in trade and industrial education and other vocational courses, professional courses, and offer engineering courses. It is also mandated to promote research, advance studies and progressive leadership in the fields of trade, technical, industrial and technological education.[1] Its main campus is in Palompon, Leyte.[2]
The Palompon Institute of Technology is composed of many colleges such as the College of Education, College of Technology and Engineering, College of Arts and Science, College of Maritime Education and College of Advance Education. PIT is located along Evangelista Street in Palompon,leyte Province Philippines.

 PIT is a Leyte educational institution that specializes in the field of Maritime Sciences. it offers Maritime education, this college offers academic programs such as Bachelor of Science in Marine Engineering, Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering, Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering, Bachelor of Science in Industrial Engineering. Aside from these baccalaureate degrees,PIT also offers graduate academic programs that include Doctor of Philosophy Major in Educational Management, Master of Arts Major in Community Development, and Master of Technology Education. Furthermore, this educational institution also offers scholarships and grants to numerous intelligent students.

Indian Institute of Technology Patna

The Indian Institute of Technology Patna (abbreviated IIT Patna or IITP) is an autonomous institute of education and research in science, engineering and technology located in Patna, India.[2] It is recognized as an Institute of National Importance by the Government of India.[3] IIT Patna is part of National Knowledge Network (NKN) which provides a high speed core networking for all the knowledge related institutions in India to integrate seamlessly all of the scientific community of India.[4]

Master/slave (technology)

Master/slave is a model of communication where one device or process has unidirectional control over one or more other devices. In some systems a master is selected from a group of eligible devices, with the other devices acting in the role of slaves.

In other words "The master/slave configuration is basically used for load sharing purposes when 2 identical motors connected to two different drives are coupled to a common load".

[citation needed] One drive is defined as the master and is configured for running in the speed-control mode whereas the other defined as slave is configured for running in torque-control mode.

Thursday, February 18, 2016

Master of Studies in Law

A Master of Studies in Law (M.S.L.) (also Master of Legal Studies (M.L.S.) is a master's degree offered by some law schools to students who wish to study the law but do not want to become attorneys. M.S.L. programs typically last one academic year and put students through a similar regimen as first-year J.D. students. M.S.L. students may study such staples as constitutional law, torts, contracts, civil procedure, and other requirements alongside regular law students, writing the same papers and taking the same exams. But they graduate after accumulating two semesters of credit instead of six. Some M.S.L. programs are designed for academics who hold Ph.D.s in a discipline related to the law, and who want to add a legal dimension to scholarship. Other programs aim to provide fundamental legal education to professionals who are not lawyers, but whose careers involve legal or regulatory issues. Compare Master of Laws. Responding to this need, M.L.S. degrees are increasingly offered to working professionals on an online or part-time basis, and allow professionals to tailor elective law courses to their particular career fields.

The degree has several variants, including a Master of Studies in Law degree (at Northeastern University School of Law, the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, the University of Pittsburgh, the University of Toronto, and the University of Western Ontario), for example, or a Master in the Study of Law (at Ohio State). In June 2015, Fordham University School of Law launched an M.S.L. with specializations in Corporate Compliance[1] and Fashion Law.[2] In March 2007 The Ohio Board of Regents approved M.S.L. Degree for the University of Dayton School of Law, and beginning in the Fall of 2014, Washburn University School of Law offers M.S.L. classes to individuals engaged in a wide range of parallel professions. Drexel University offers a Master of Legal Studies program as of 2013. West Virginia University offers a Master of Legal Studies (M.L.S.) completely online as part of its nationally ranked Division of Public Administration. Arizona State University also offers an M.L.S. The John Marshall Law School in Chicago, and the Albany Law School in New York, both offer M.S. degrees in several concentrations.

 The Vermont Law School offers a Masters of Environmental Law and Policy (MELP) degree (formally known as the Master of Studies in Environmental Law (MSEL) degree).

 As of 2011, UC Hastings will be offering a Master of Studies in Law (MSL) and LLM in Law, Science and Health Policy programs together with the University of California, San Francisco. Since 2004, Friends University has offered a Master of Studies in Business Law (MSBL).

 Santa Barbara & Ventura Colleges of Law introduced their Master of Legal Studies (M.L.S.) program entirely online in 2012, and can be completed in under two years.

From the mid-1970s until 2004, there was also a unique M.S.L. program at Yale Law School for journalists. The program was a competitive fellowship offered to three or four applicants a year, chosen by the university. Yale provided free tuition, and the fellows also received a living stipend provided originally by the Ford Foundation and later by the John S. and James L. Knight Foundation.

 A number of reporters who currently cover the Supreme Court or other law-related issues for major mainstream media organizations are former fellows, including Barbara Bradley of NPR (1994), Linda Greenhouse of the New York Times (1978), Charles Lane (journalist) of the Washington Post (1997), Neil A. Lewis of the New York Times (1979), Charlie Savage of the Boston Globe (2003), and Viveca Novak of Time Magazine (1986). The program lost its funding after the 2003-04 academic year when the Knight Foundation declined to renew its grant, but is still offered to doctoral students and graduates and journalists on a tuition basis.

 M.L.S programs offered through Stanford Law School and the University of Arizona's James E. Rogers College of Law provide the opportunity for interdisciplinary research as well as a foundational legal education in U.S. law.