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Friday, January 6, 2017

Master of Arts

A Master of Arts (Latin: Magister Artium; abbreviated M.A., MA; also Latin: Artium Magister, abbreviated A.M., or AM) is a type of master's degree awarded by universities in many countries. The degree is usually contrasted with the Master of Science degree. Those admitted to the degree typically study English, History, Communication, International Relations, International Business Administration, European Studies or other of the Humanities, Philosophy and Social Sciences; however, different universities have different conventions and may also offer the degree for fields typically considered within the natural sciences and mathematics. The degree can be conferred in respect of completing courses and passing examinations, in respect of research, or a combination of the two.

The Master of Arts degree traces its origin to the teaching license, or Licentia docendi, for the University of Paris.[1]

Monday, March 7, 2016

Bachelor of Fine Arts


In the United States the Bachelor of Fine Arts degree differs from a Bachelor of Arts degree in that the majority of the program consists of a practical studio component, as contrasted with lecture and discussion classes. A typical BFA program in the United States consists of two-thirds study in the arts, with one-third in more general liberal arts studies. For a BA in Art, the ratio might be reversed.

The National Association of Schools of Art and Design (NASAD), which accredits Bachelor of Fine Arts programs in visual art and design in the United States, states that "the professional degree (BFA) focuses on intensive work in the visual arts supported by a program of general studies," whereas "the liberal arts degree (BA) focuses on art and design in the context of a broad program of general studies."

A Bachelor of Fine Arts degree will often require an area of specialty such as acting, musical theatre, ceramics, computer animation, creative writing, dance, dramatic writing, drawing, fiber, film production, visual effects, animation, graphic design, illustration, industrial design, visual arts, technical arts, interior design, metalworking, music, new media, painting, photography, printmaking, sculpture, stage management, or television production. Some schools instead give their students a broad education in many disciplines of the arts.

Although a Bachelor of Fine Arts is traditionally considered a four-year degree, a BFA program may take longer to complete because of the amount of studio course work required.

Other countries

In some countries such a degree is called a Bachelor of Creative Arts (BCA). In the United Kingdom the equivalent degree is the Bachelor of Arts (BA) in Fine Art. In Australia the Bachelor of Fine Arts is awarded to students completing a degree in visual and performing arts. Specific degrees such as the Bachelor of Dance or Bachelor of Drama are used by some performing arts institutions in Australia and much of Europe. In India a Fine Arts undergraduate degree is known as a BFA or BVA[1] (Bachelor of Visual Arts). It is a four-year degree.

Bachelor of Arts

A Bachelor of Arts (BA, B.A., AB or A.B. from the Latin artium baccalaureus or baccalaureus artium) is a bachelor's degree awarded for an undergraduate course or program in either the liberal arts, the sciences, or both. Bachelor of Arts degree programs generally take three to four years depending on the country, academic institution, and specific specializations, majors or minors. The word baccalaureus or baccalarium (from the Latin bacca, a berry, and laureus, "of the bay laurel") should not be confused with baccalaureatus (translatable as "gold-plated scepter" by using the Latin baculum and aureatus), which refers to the one- to two-year postgraduate Bachelor of Arts with Honours degree (Baccalaureatus in Artibus Cum Honore) in some countries.

Diplomas generally give the name of the institution, signatures of officials of the institution (generally the president or rector of the university as well as the secretary or dean of the component college), the type of degree conferred, the conferring authority and the location at which the degree is conferred. Degree diplomas generally are printed on high quality paper or parchment; individual institutions set the preferred abbreviation for their degrees.[1]

The Bachelor of Arts degree is usually attained in four years in Afghanistan, Lebanon, Armenia, Greece, Bangladesh, Azerbaijan, Egypt, Iran, Japan, Nigeria, Serbia, Pakistan, the Philippines, Thailand, the Russia, Ireland, South Korea, Iraq, Tunisia, Kuwait and Turkey and most of the Americas.[2]

They generally last three years in nearly all of the European Union, and in Albania, Australia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, India, Israel, New Zealand, Iceland, Norway, Singapore, the Caribbean, South Africa, Switzerland, and the Canadian province of Quebec.

Master of Arts (Oxbridge)

Pour des informations plus générales sur le Master of Arts, voir l'article Master of Arts.
Dans les universités de Cambridge et Oxford en Angleterre, et l'université de Dublin en Irlande, le terme de Master of Arts désigne un diplôme universitaire de premier cycle (undergraduate). On précise souvent Master of Arts obtenu à Oxbridge, Oxbridge étant un terme familier pour désigner les universités d'Oxford et de Cambridge. Il n'a pas le même statut que le Master of Arts "classique" popularisé par les universités britanniques et les universités américaines et qui lui correspond à un diplôme de deuxième cycle (postgraduate). Ce diplôme de premier cycle est également délivré dans les Ancient university d'Écosse mais sous une forme légèrement différente (voir : Master of Arts (Écosse)).

Cette pratique est l'héritage d'une longue histoire et n'est pas toujours très bien vue par les universités plus récentes. A Oxford, Cambridge et Dublin, le diplôme de Bachelor of Arts est d'abord délivré et peut être transformé en Master of Arts trois ans plus tard. Le principal reproche fait à cette pratique est que les étudiants reçoivent ce titre sans avoir étudié plus alors que partout ailleurs, le niveau Master requiert une, voire deux, années d'approfondissement après un Bachelor ainsi que la rédaction d'un mémoire.

Ce Master de premier cycle est souvent considéré comme ayant une valeur légèrement supérieure au Bachelor et cette pratique risque de durer depuis la création de nouveau Master de premier cycle (undergraduate master) tels que les MSci, MEng ou encore MMath, qui sont des diplômes supérieurs au Bachelor mais qui ont un statut inférieur au Master classique.

Historiquement, le premier à l'obtenir fut Edmond Rich d'Abingdon, futur Saint Edmond de Cantorbéry (1170-1242), dit saint Edme.

Monday, February 29, 2016

MBA Master in Business Management and Marketing

In the terms "online" and "distance" is granted a period of 12 months for completion of the Master.
If the student, for good reasons, need a longer period must notify the school one month in advance.
The tutorials are conducted by mail, email or "mailbox" on-line campus. The "box" connects directly to the student with his tutor.
To proceed with the delivery of MBA Master's Degree in Business Management and Marketing, students must pass the evaluation exercises of each module.
Once past the Master, the student receives Title certifying and, if required, a transcript.
The MBA Master in Business Management and MK consists of 12 modules.
In the "distance" is sent to the student home folders that contain all the contents of the Master.
In Business School, the only difference between our method "on line" and methodology "to dsitancia" is that in the latter, as well as keys Virtual Campus School, are sent to the address the student's agenda the Master or courses and bound.
Any student or former student of School of Business can apply for inclusion of your resume in the Job.
The Department of Career School of Business is in permanent contact with enterprises in the sectors related to its educational offerings. This means that the school forward in a changing market, new business needs, and companies looking for professionals trained in our school as a guarantee for the future.
School of Business has signed agreements with most major Spanish companies? Waves and Europe. In addition, School of Business signed an agreement with Life Insurance, which covers all students who practice without any cost or the company or the student.

MBA: The Master of Business Administration And Your Career

Holding an MBA (Master of Business Administration) degree used to be a virtual guarantee of a good job and high paying salary.

While the benefits of holding an MBA don't necessarily guarantee that you'll get a better job and more money anymore, holding the designation can certainly help you in more ways than one.

I graduated from an undergraduate business program and found myself in the same classroom as MBA students during my senior year. We essentially took some of the same classes and I got to see firsthand how MBA classes operate.
Generally, classes were based on course work, case studies, exams, projects and class participation.
Verbally participating in class can be a big component of your final mark in MBA programs.
As a recruiter, I've worked with plenty of companies who won't hire a new staff member if they don't hold a certain level of education ie.

 a university degree.
In some companies, advancement to senior management could be at least somewhat dependent on holding a post graduate degree such as an MBA especially if other managers in the company already hold one.
In that regard, holding an MBA might help to qualify you for certain jobs that might otherwise be unattainable.
Among other things, an MBA can also help prepare you to compete in the business world by developing your communications and presentation skills, improve your ability to debate and get your point across in a business setting, and expose you to various business functions ie. finance, marketing, HR, etc.

Masters In Business Administration

The MBA business administration degree gives professional titles to individuals majoring in the business field. It produces experts in the corporation industry, especially the management administration line to facilitate a company's bottom subordinates.

 This program gives a wider knowledge of understanding of the concepts on how to navigate the collaboration between the employers, senior leaders and colleague relationships through some business principles. Besides, the pursuit of this master's degree paves the trajectory for individuals to explore their aspirations and capability in the business field.
If you are one who has the desire to take up the Masters in Business Administration, you would be sure to learn to be forward-thinking, solutions-oriented and immensely adaptive to environmental situations that may be subjected to great fluctuations and uncertainties in the global economy. Students will also acquire knowledge and skills associated with strategic planning, accounting, business law, marketing and human labor management in relation to an organization's operations. These are the factors that contribute vastly to a company's productivity, leadership, efficiency and abilities.
In general, the fundamental requirement for one to be able to admit into the MBA business administration program is the ordinary submission of official academic transcripts from former institutional bodies. The documents should include your results that indicate the cumulative grade point and the minimum is a 2.3. In the resume, student should also include their prior working experiences, letters of recommendation if any, the GMAT scores results and a personal proposal of career aspirations.
Most of the companies and business firms are constantly aiming to employ graduates of the Masters in Business Administration program. In fact, they would be more interested if these students graduate from accredited schools. The range of industries that come in close relation and available for this program covers the accounting, marketing, banking, finance, information technology, real estate development, management consultation, retail, manufacturing, hospitality, entertainment and healthcare. There is something imperative to look into that is choosing the right and suitable MBA program for yourself by taking into considering your personal talents, interest, previous qualifications, past experiences and overall academic achievements.